经常会遇到国内卖家(既有C端又有B端)直接盗用我们的拍摄的产品视频的情况,C端有些还会剪一剪,B端有一些工厂连水印都不抹,直接copy我们的视频作为他们的产品主图宣传视频(嗯,吐槽的就是没有不注重版权的Alibaba卖家群体),好在我们的视频都会优先在YouTube发布,互联网上的内容都是有content ID的,Google也比较注重保护创作者的原创版权,这里不管是卖家还是创作者在这种情况下一般都可以先考虑发警告信警告,这里分享一个英文警告信模板,一般不发中文的,发中文的那群孙子基本理都不理,我常用的警告信模板如下:
标题:Cease and Desist – Copyright Infringement
To Whom It May Concern:
It has come to our attention that your website(products), link()is obviously
copied after (link)specifically (举某一个或多个例子,英语如果差点,你可以直接粘贴你的原创内容的链接).
We are the proprietors of all copyright in (link)(the “Work”).
We had reserved all rights in the Work, which was first published on Aug 6, 2019. You neither requested nor received permission to use our Work, therefore your unauthorized copying and use of our copyrighted Work constitutes copyright infringement in violation of the United States copyright laws.
We hereby demand that you, within three (3) days of this letter:
- Remove all infringing content
- Notify me/us in writing when these tasks have been completed
- Destroy all physical and electronic copies
- Permanently cease the use, publication and distribution of our copyrighted material
If you do not cease and desist within the above stated time period, we will be forced to take appropriate
legal action against you and will seek all available damages and remedies.