我大概是从去年6,7月就在V2EX, Reddit上发现很多程序员老哥开始测试,恶搞Chat- GPT,大概8月我自己开始正式使用,同时也测试了如下方表格所示市面上其他一些AI工具(排名不分先后),总体来说,包括Chat-GPT各种工具其实都有各自的优缺点。
产品 | 简介 | 网址 | 价格 |
Chat-GPT | Open AI 出品对话流AI交互工具 | https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ | 免费 |
DALL·E 2 | Open AI 出品AI图像工具 | https://labs.openai.com/ | 部分免费,每月会送15点数 |
Barely AI | AI写作助手 | https://bearly.ai/ | $20一月或$200一年 |
Storywizard | 主要用来生成儿童故事 | https://www.storywizard.ai/ | 一个故事1美元 |
PromptHouse | AI绘画,角色建模,视频创作 | https://www.prompthouse.ai/ | $25-300 |
Digirama – Character Creator | 上传照片AI生成卡通形象 | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/character-creator-digirama/id6444673721 | $6.99 50点数积分 |
boo.ai | AI写作助手,适合小说创作 | https://boo.ai/ | $7.99每月 |
Scalenut | AI写作工具,支持SEO,适合网站,社媒,电商 | https://www.scalenut.com/ | 免费到$149每月不等,节假日年费折扣较大 |
Ad Creative AI | 适合社媒帖文,广告文案 | https://www.adcreative.ai/ | $29-149每月 |
Canva Magic Write | 适合设计方向相关 | https://canva.com | 免费 |
Chat BCG | AI文字生成PPT | https://www.chatbcg.com/ | 免费 |
ContentBot | 比较全面的AI写作助手,支持SEO,查重 | https://contentbot.ai/ | $99每月 |
Rytr | 社媒,电商,博客文案生成 | https://rytr.me/ | 免费到$29每月 |
ContentEdge | AI写作助手,支持SEO | https://www.contentedge.com/ | $29-109每月 |
Fliki | 视频,音频AI配音,合成 | https://fliki.ai/ | $48一年 |
Looka | logo生成 | https://looka.com/ | $96一年 |
Copy AI | AI写作助手 | https://app.copy.ai/ | $48一月 |
Moonbeam | AI 写作助手,文学,小说方向 | https://www.gomoonbeam.com/ | $15一月 |
Word Spinner | AI内容重写 | https://word-spinner.com/ | 免费 |
BlogNLP | 博客写作助手 | https://www.blognlp.com/ | 免费 |
涉及到文案部分,这里面我重点推荐尝试Chat-GPT, Scalenut, Rytr,多种工具结合效果远远比单独使用chat-GPT要好很多,当然今天我们重点讲Chat-GPT部分。
2023年3月已经发布了GPT4模型,需要开通Chat-GPT Plus才可以使用,开通教程请参考下方文章:
- 准备一个海外的手机号码,或者一个接码平台,尽量不要是港澳台,日本的号码。
- 科学上网线路最好是欧美。亲测,香港,日本容易被屏蔽。
打开open AI官网,在页面页脚出找到Chat-GPT入口,注册用Gmail邮箱即可注册,但是需要用手机号码接收短信验证码验证。
- 美国实体手机卡Ultra Mobile,只收短信选3美元一个月的那种套餐,如果还有语音电话业务,可以考虑季付39美元那个套餐,或者一年120美元的套餐,续费时会收取几刀手续费,这个号码还可以用来保号验证或者注册新的Google Voice账号(是的,GV号码也越来越严格了),激活问题可以让美国朋友激活后再寄给自己,也可以淘宝,上面有激活好的一条龙服务。
- 英国实体手机卡CM link,我一直使用的CM link,只收短信买了以后切换成Pay as you Go 套餐,一年充个两三磅,基本用不完。(很多人反馈现在CM link官网是5G套餐,而且薅羊毛的太多,现在限制在中国大陆,港澳地区激活,必须要去英国激活,解决办法很简单,不要去官网下单申请,去淘宝或者飞猪买一个激活的卡即可)
- 新西兰的实体手机卡,skinny,一年20来块钱,收短信免费,部分电报群有拼车服务,飞猪淘宝也可以尝试,或者有朋友在新西兰的可以请朋友邮一张回来,新西兰各种加油站,超市几乎都有售。
PS: CM link是中国移动海外版,用户信息会传回中国大陆,所以请注意,互联网不是法外之地😈。
声明:这些实体卡我都没有放推广链接,Ultra Mobile和CM link是我长期使用的,Skinny是我朋友推荐的,有需要的请自行Google搜索这些具体资费与套餐详情,自行考虑是否购买,只使用Chat-GPT不一定需要实体卡,我只是从企业和open AI未来可能出现的一些风控手段角度考虑做出建议,此处如果你有更好的实体卡建议,也欢迎在下方评论留言以帮助到更多的人
进入官网,在左侧搜索栏搜索open AI

建议选欧美号码,印尼,马来西亚也行,薅羊毛的很多,现在印度,巴西这些地方的号码经常收不到open AI的短信了

买完以后,会跳转到一个号码界面,open AI发送短信,到这个界面查看即可。


首先我们也要明确一点,被吹捧的再神的“神器”,它也只是一个工具,如果是Google代表了成熟的搜索引擎系统,常见的电商app,短视频app代表了成熟的推荐系统,Chat-GPT姑且算是未来“交互引擎”的一个雏形吧,不要神话chat-GPT, 它本身仍然存在很多问题。
它的知识库容量决定了现阶段它无法产出实时性内容,比如我想让它写一篇关于iPhone 14 pro的测评文章,它就不行,因为它的知识库大部分只更新到2021年以前的内容。
现在open AI把这个工具开放给大家,也是希望通过更多的交互,更大的信息体量进一步的训练这个模型。
不管是英文商学里面的 “Your company name is often the first element of your brand”, 特劳特的“The mind works by ear, not by eye.” 还是国内出名的华与华,小马宋等大佬的理论,取一个好的品牌名对我们的品牌有着很大的加分。
但如果你做亚马逊,你会发现很多店铺品牌取的名字要么是拼音,要么是老外都看的一眼懵,念都不知道怎么念的离谱字母组合词,我个人有时候觉得就挺离谱的,你难道我会记住指望一个我连音都发不出的所谓品牌名,而不是Apple,Google,Anker, Target这种朗朗上口的品牌名?
I have a ski brand that sell ski goggles, give me 10 company name ideas
Here are ten potential company names for a ski goggles brand:
- FrostyVision
- PeakPerformanceGoggles
- SnowSight
- GlacialVision
- ArcticEyes
- PowderPro
- SummitSeer
- SlopeSight
- ColdFrontGoggles
- MountainView
make a marketing plan to promote my ski brand. I make ski goggles to make people enjoy the ski sport
Sure! Here is a basic outline for a marketing plan to promote your ski goggles brand:
- Define your target market: Who are your goggles intended for? Are they for casual skiers or professional athletes? Are they for children or adults? Understanding your target market will help you tailor your marketing efforts.
- Determine your marketing budget: How much money do you have available to allocate towards marketing efforts? This will help you determine which strategies and tactics are feasible for your brand.
- Develop a brand identity: Your brand identity is how you want your brand to be perceived by your target market. This includes your brand name, logo, slogan, and overall aesthetic. Your brand identity should be consistent across all marketing materials.
- Create a website: A website is a crucial part of any marketing plan. It should be professional, easy to navigate, and provide information about your products, including high-quality photos and detailed product descriptions.
- Use social media: Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your brand. Create profiles on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and use them to share photos and information about your products, as well as ski-related content that will be of interest to your target market.
- Consider paid advertising: Paid advertising can be an effective way to reach a larger audience, but it can also be expensive. Consider options like Google AdWords, social media ads, or sponsored posts on popular ski blogs or websites.
- Collaborate with ski resorts and shops: Partnering with ski resorts and shops can help get your brand in front of a large, targeted audience. Consider offering discounts to resort employees or setting up a product demo at a ski shop.
- Attend ski trade shows: Trade shows are a great opportunity to showcase your products and network with other industry professionals. Look for trade shows specific to the ski industry and consider exhibiting at them.
- Encourage customer reviews and testimonials: Customer reviews and testimonials can be a powerful marketing tool. Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your website or social media profiles, and consider featuring testimonials on your website or in marketing materials.
- Monitor and track your results: It’s important to regularly track and measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, social media analytics to track engagement, and sales data to track conversions. This will help you identify what’s working and what may need to be adjusted.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Chat-GPT 给出的营销计划建议包括:
- 明确你的目标市场,包括滑雪镜的目标人群,适合专业运动人士还是休闲滑雪爱好者,针对成人还是儿童等等
- 明确我们的营销资金预算
- 建立品牌标识,包括品牌名,logo,slogan,和品牌风格等
- 创建品牌网站
- 使用社交媒体
- 考虑付费广告
- 与滑雪胜地的商店合作
- 参加滑雪贸易展会
- 鼓励用户评价推荐
- 监控追踪营销结果
FrostyVision is pretty good, write 5 slogan for it
Here are five potential slogans for FrostyVision ski goggles:
- “Crystal clear vision, even in the coldest conditions.”
- “See the mountain like never before with FrostyVision.”
- “Stay focused on the slopes with our anti-fog technology.”
- “Experience the ultimate in winter eye protection with FrostyVision.”
- “Elevate your ski game with FrostyVision’s superior clarity.”
my target audience is the casual skier, write 5 google ads copy for me
Sure! Here are five potential Google Ads copy options for your ski goggles brand targeting casual skiers:
- “Experience the best of the slopes with our high-quality ski goggles” – This copy highlights the benefits of using your goggles and positions them as a must-have for anyone looking to fully enjoy their time on the slopes.
- “Stay comfortable and protected on the mountain with our ski goggles” – This copy focuses on the practical benefits of your goggles, like comfort and protection from the elements.
- “Upgrade your ski gear with our stylish and functional goggles” – This copy highlights the style and functionality of your goggles, making them an attractive choice for anyone looking to improve their ski gear.
- “Get the most out of your ski vacation with our performance-enhancing goggles” – This copy positions your goggles as a way to improve your overall ski experience, making them a worthwhile investment for casual skiers.
- “From beginner to advanced skier, our goggles have you covered” – This copy speaks to a wide range of skiers and positions your goggles as suitable for anyone, regardless of their skill level.
I hope these suggestions are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.
the first title copy looks great, write a google ads description for it
Sure! Here is a potential Google Ads description for the title copy “Experience the best of the slopes with our high-quality ski goggles”:
“Looking to get the most out of your time on the mountain? Our ski goggles are here to help. Designed with performance and comfort in mind, our goggles are perfect for skiers of all levels. Featuring high-quality lenses and a durable frame, they’ll protect your eyes from the elements and help you see clearly on the slopes. Plus, with a stylish design and a range of colors to choose from, you’ll look good while you ski. Upgrade your ski gear and experience the best of the slopes with our ski goggles.”
This description expands on the benefits of using your goggles and speaks to the target audience of casual skiers. It highlights the practical benefits, like performance and comfort, as well as the stylish design. It also mentions the high-quality materials used in the goggles, which can help build credibility and trust with potential customers.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
add an UV protection feature in the copy
Sure! Here is an updated version of the Google Ads description with the added feature of UV protection:
“Looking to get the most out of your time on the mountain? Our ski goggles are here to help. Designed with performance and comfort in mind, our goggles are perfect for skiers of all levels. Featuring high-quality lenses with UV protection and a durable frame, they’ll protect your eyes from the elements and harmful UV rays while helping you see clearly on the slopes. Plus, with a stylish design and a range of colors to choose from, you’ll look good while you ski. Upgrade your ski gear and experience the best of the slopes with our ski goggles.”
This revised version includes the added benefit of UV protection, which can be an important feature for many skiers. By highlighting this feature, you can differentiate your goggles from competitors and address a potential pain point for potential customers.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
write a Facebook ad copy that will showcase the unique and personal experiences of casual skier with my ski goggles and persuade them to share their positive review with their followers.
Attention: Are you a casual skier looking for the perfect pair of ski goggles?
Interest: Our ski goggles are designed with both style and function in mind, and they’ve been tested and loved by skiers just like you.
Desire: But don’t just take our word for it – check out these personal experiences from happy customers who have shared their positive reviews on our page:
“I was a little hesitant to try a new brand of ski goggles, but I’m so glad I did! These are the best goggles I’ve ever owned – the anti-fog technology is top-notch and the style is on point. I’ve already recommended them to all my ski buddies.”
“I love my new ski goggles! They’re super comfortable and stay in place no matter how much I’m moving around on the mountain. Plus, the anti-fog technology is a game-changer – no more foggy lenses ruining my runs. Highly recommend!”
Action: Want to join the ranks of satisfied customers and share your positive experience with your followers? Click here to check out our ski goggles and share your review on our page.
YouTube 视频广告
Write a YouTube ad script that will showcase the value and benefits of my ski goggles to casual skier and persuade them to shop now with a strong offer and clear call-to-action.
Hello skiers! Are you tired of constantly having to deal with foggy ski goggles that obstruct your vision on the slopes? We know how frustrating and potentially dangerous this can be, which is why we’ve designed a solution: our ski goggles.
Our goggles are equipped with advanced anti-fog technology, ensuring crystal clear vision during even the most intense runs. Plus, they have a sleek, stylish design that will make you stand out on the mountain. And with a durable, aerodynamic frame and comfortable, adjustable strap, they’re the perfect choice for all your winter sports needs.
But don’t just take our word for it – check out these testimonials from happy customers who have tried our ski goggles:
“I was a little hesitant to try a new brand of ski goggles, but I’m so glad I did! These are the best goggles I’ve ever owned – the anti-fog technology is top-notch and the style is on point. I’ve already recommended them to all my ski buddies.”
“I love my new ski goggles! They’re super comfortable and stay in place no matter how much I’m moving around on the mountain. Plus, the anti-fog technology is a game-changer – no more foggy lenses ruining my runs. Highly recommend!”
Don’t let foggy goggles ruin your next ski trip. Upgrade to our high-quality, anti-fog ski goggles today and experience the benefits for yourself. And as a special offer for our YouTube viewers, use the code “YOUTUBE10” at checkout to get 10% off your purchase. Don’t miss out – shop now and take your ski game to the next level.
Linkedin 广告
I also have ski goggles B2B Business, write 3 Linkedin ads copy to promote my B2B business part
Sure! Here are three potential LinkedIn Ads copy options to promote your ski goggles B2B business:
- “Outfit your ski resort with top-quality goggles” – This copy targets ski resorts as potential buyers and positions your goggles as a high-quality choice for their needs.
- “Elevate your ski shop’s gear offerings with our goggles” – This copy targets ski shops and highlights the opportunity for them to offer a higher-end product to their customers.
- “Improve the experience of your ski tour guests with our goggles” – This copy targets ski tour operators and positions your goggles as a way to enhance the overall experience of their guests.
I hope these suggestions are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.
我们在日常准备这些平台广告的时候,往往也有不同的文案策略套路,不管是针对不同的活动,或者用来做AB Test, 这里我分享我常用的8种文案套路供大家参考,使用时根据你的实际产品+目标客户群体根据我的输入模板进行适当修改输入到Chat-GPT即可:
编号 | 输入指令案例 | 备注 |
1 | Write a Facebook ads copy/YouTube ads script (或者替换为其他平台,Twitter,TikTok,IG等等)that will draw in [你的产品的目标客户群体] with a strong headline and hook, and then convince them to [CTA采取行动,Shop now, Grab it today,Sign up 等常见的CTA用户,后面不再重复解释] with persuasive language and compelling evidence. | 强有力的标题和文案吸引目标客户群体,使用具有说服力的证据来说服客户采取行动 |
2 | Write a Facebook ads copy/ YouTube ad script that will showcase the unique features and benefits of my [你的产品或者服务] to [你的目标客户群体] and persuade them to make a purchase with social proof and credibility-building elements. | 向目标客户群体展示我们产品独特的卖点,特性,附加上social proof来获取受众的信任,并鼓励引导他们采取行动 |
3 | Write a Facebook ad copy(或者其他平台) that will leverage the authority and expertise of [你的品牌或者公司] to educate my [目标客户群] on the benefits of my [产品或服务] and persuade them to make a purchase. | 我是一个比较成熟专业的品牌产品,我想通过我的品牌专业度和权威性来教育用户,告诉他们我产品的好处,并引导他们购买,可以这么输入 |
4 | I need a [广告平台] ad copy that will create a sense of urgency and FOMO for my [目标客户群] by featuring exclusive deals and promotions for my [产品或服务] PS. FOMO就是Fear of missing out, 我测试过输入FOMO,chat- GPT可以理解这个缩写 | 提供一个独家的折扣,并给目标客户提供一种容易错过的紧迫感 |
5-A | I need a ad copy that will use the influence and reach of [红人类型] to showcase the unique features and benefits of my [产品或者服务] to [你的目标客户群] and encourage them to make a purchase. | 根据和红人合作的素材,利用红人的影响力来影响目标客户群体,并引导客户购买(情节1) |
5-B | I need a [广告平台] ad copy that will leverage the authority and credibility of [红人类型] to educate [目标客户群] on the benefits of my [产品或服务] and persuade them to try it out for themselves | 根据和红人合作的素材,利用红人的影响力来影响目标客户群体,并引导客户购买(情节2) |
6 | I’m looking for a YouTube ad script / Facbook Ads copy that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of [目标客户群体] and persuade them to [CTA行动号召] with a sense of urgency and strong offer. | 说明目标用户群体的痛点或者问题,营造一种紧迫感来引导客户采取行动 |
7 | Write a YouTube ad script/Facbook Ads copy that will establish trust and credibility with [目标客户群体] by highlighting the successes and testimonials of previous customers who have used my [产品或者服务] | 通过以前使用过我的产品或者服务的素人种草推荐,来建立目标客户群体对我品牌或者产品的信任感 |
8 | write a Facebook ad copy that will engage [目标客户群] with [与红人策划好的活动内容] from [你的合作红人类型] who can authentically share the benefits of my [产品或者服务] and encourage them to make a purchase. | 通过与红人的联动,鼓励目标客户群体与红人进行互动,真实的分享产品或服务的好处,并鼓励大家购买 |
write a ski goggles product feture copy
Our ski goggles are designed with the ultimate in winter sports performance in mind. With a sleek, aerodynamic frame and comfortable, adjustable strap, our goggles will stay securely in place no matter how rough the terrain gets. The lenses are made from a high-quality, shatter-resistant material that can withstand the cold and harsh conditions of the mountain. Plus, the lenses are treated with an anti-fog coating to ensure crystal clear vision during even the most intense runs. Whether you’re an experienced skier or just starting out, our goggles are the perfect choice for all your winter sports needs.
- Feature to Benefit
- SPF(2B)
AIDA即Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, 可以理解为是引起注意,诱发兴趣,刺激欲望,促成购买。
根据 AIDA 模型,流程的第一步是引起读者的注意。 这可以通过多种方式实现,例如使用醒目的标题或醒目的视觉效果。 一旦吸引了读者的注意力,下一步就是引起对所提供产品或服务的兴趣。 这可以通过使用引人注目的内容或突出产品或服务的优势来实现。
第三步是创造对产品或服务的渴望。 这可以通过展示产品或服务如何满足读者的需求,或者通过为读者制造购买的紧迫感来实现。 最后,最后一步是鼓励读者采取行动并进行购买。 这可以通过使用号召性用语或提供特别促销或折扣来实现。
总体而言,AIDA 模型是一个框架,可帮助企业了解如何有效地向消费者推销其产品或服务以产生销售额。
rewrite the copy in style of AIDA model
Attention: Are you in search of the perfect ski goggles? Look no further.
Interest: Our goggles feature a sleek, aerodynamic frame and comfortable, adjustable strap for a secure fit on the slopes. The shatter-resistant lenses are treated with an anti-fog coating for crystal clear vision, no matter the conditions.
Desire: Whether you’re an experienced skier or just starting out, these goggles will enhance your winter sports experience.
Action: Don’t miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your ski gear. Try our high-quality ski goggles today and take your performance to the next level.
PAS 是 Problem、Agitation、Solution 的缩写。 它是一个文案框架,通常用于构建有说服力的写作,特别是在营销和广告的背景下。 PAS 的目标是识别和解决读者的问题,围绕问题营造紧迫感,然后提供解决问题的方法。
根据 PAS 框架,第一步是确定读者面临的问题。 这可能是读者正在经历的痛点、挑战或挫折。 下一步是激起问题,或者围绕它创造一种紧迫感。 这可以通过强调不解决问题的后果或强调读者解决问题的愿望来实现。
最后,最后一步是提供问题的解决方案。 这可以是正在宣传的产品或服务,也可以是推荐或建议。 解决方案的目标是帮助读者克服文章中较早发现和存在的问题。
让Chat-GPT 重写成PAS风格的文案:
Rewrite the ski goggles copy in style of PAS framework
Problem: Are you tired of ski goggles that fog up and obstruct your vision on the slopes?
Agitation: This can be a frustrating and dangerous problem, especially if you rely on clear vision to navigate the mountain. Imagine missing a turn or not being able to see obstacles in your path because of foggy goggles.
Solution: Our ski goggles are equipped with advanced anti-fog technology, ensuring crystal clear vision during even the most intense runs. Plus, the sleek, stylish design will make you stand out on the mountain. Don’t let foggy goggles ruin your next ski trip. Upgrade to our high-quality, anti-fog ski goggles today and enjoy the benefits of clear vision on the slopes.
BAB,或 Before,After,Bridge,是一种文案写作框架,旨在以强调产品或服务可以带来的转变或改进的方式构建有说服力的写作。
根据 BAB 框架,第一步是描述读者当前面临的情况或问题(“之前”阶段)。 这可能是读者正在经历的痛点、挑战或挫折。 下一步是描述所宣传的产品或服务如何帮助解决问题或带来积极的转变(“后”阶段)。 最后,最后一步是提供两个阶段之间的“桥梁”,解释产品或服务如何带来转变以及它如何为读者做同样的事情。
让Chat- GPT重写成BAB风格的文案:
Write the ski goggles copy in style of BAB framework
Before: Are you fed up with constantly having to deal with foggy ski goggles that obstruct your vision on the slopes? This can be a frustrating and potentially dangerous problem, especially if you rely on clear vision to navigate the mountain.
After: Our ski goggles are equipped with advanced anti-fog technology, ensuring crystal clear vision during even the most intense runs. No more missed turns or dangerous obstacles because of foggy goggles.
Bridge: The transformation our goggles can bring about is clear. By eliminating fog, you’ll be able to enjoy a safer and more enjoyable ski experience. Plus, the sleek, stylish design will make you stand out on the mountain. Don’t let foggy goggles ruin your next ski trip. Upgrade to our high-quality, anti-fog ski goggles today and experience the difference for yourself.
Feature to Benefit 风格则是直接明了说明产品卖点与给消费者带来的好处。
让Chat-GPT写成Feature to Benefit风格的文案:
write the ski goggles copy in style of features benefits copywriting framework
Chat- GPT:
Our ski goggles are designed with both style and function in mind.
- Aerodynamic frame for a secure, comfortable fit
- Shatter-resistant lenses for added durability
- Anti-fog coating for crystal clear vision
- Adjustable strap for a customizable fit
- Improved performance on the slopes with a secure, comfortable fit
- Enhanced protection from the elements with shatter-resistant lenses
- Better visibility in any condition with anti-fog technology
- Customizable fit for maximum comfort during long days on the mountain
Overall, our ski goggles are the perfect choice for winter sports enthusiasts who want both style and function in their eyewear.
SPF这是一个常见的B端文案框架,分别代表Stages阶段, Psychology心理学, and Funnel漏斗。
Stages阶段一般包含四个阶段,这个是指潜在客户对于我们的目标产品的不同认知阶段,不同于营销上的Awareness阶段,这里的Stages更相当于Buyer’s Journey:
- Problem Unaware
- Category Unaware
- Product Unaware
- Product aware
B2B 文案写作需要对商业术语、关键行业洞察力的专业理解,以及将复杂主题提炼成清晰、简洁语言的能力。 能够以与目标受众产生共鸣的方式写作也很重要,因为 B2B 买家通常对产品或服务的实用价值更感兴趣,而不是它可能唤起的情感或感受。
第二部分心理学,B2B商业写作的核心是说服力。 它使用文字和图像来向其他商业专业人士推广和销售你的产品和想法。 虽然有许多不同的方法可以实现这一点,但共同点是心理学。 它让人们相信您的想法和产品值得投资。
B2B 文案写作和更普遍的销售流程的一个问题是,许多公司都停留在现状并使用旧产品。 他们没有兴趣或动力去改变他们的商业行为,所以很难让他们有足够的动力和足够的信息来采取措施进入你的销售渠道。
- Reactance 抗拒阶段
- Endowment 厌恶剥夺或禀赋效应
- Distance
- Uncertainty
- Corroborating Evidence
Problem Unaware: Many winter sports enthusiasts struggle with foggy ski goggles that obstruct their vision on the slopes.
Category Unaware: Our ski goggles are specifically designed to address this problem with advanced anti-fog technology.
Product Unaware: In addition to their performance benefits, our goggles have a sleek, stylish design that will make your team stand out on the mountain.
Product Aware: With a durable, aerodynamic frame and comfortable, adjustable strap, our goggles are the perfect choice for all your winter sports needs.
Reactance: Our ski goggles offer a solution to a common problem that many winter sports enthusiasts experience. By highlighting the benefits of our anti-fog technology, we aim to appeal to their desire to overcome this issue.
Endowment: The sleek, stylish design of our goggles will make your team feel proud to wear them on the mountain.
Distance: Our durable, aerodynamic frame and shatter-resistant lenses help to alleviate concerns about the goggles breaking or being damaged during use.
Uncertainty: By highlighting the benefits and addressing the needs and concerns of our target audience, we aim to reduce any uncertainty they may have about choosing our ski goggles.
Corroborating Evidence: Testimonials from satisfied customers and data-driven performance claims can serve as corroborating evidence to support the effectiveness and value of our ski goggles.
Our marketing materials are designed to effectively guide potential customers through the four stages of the purchasing process. By highlighting the benefits, addressing the needs and concerns of our target audience, and providing corroborating evidence, we aim to persuade them to choose our ski goggles for their winter sports needs.
keywords idea for a smart watch website(换成大家自己的产品关键词)
Chat- GPT:
Wearable technology
Fitness tracker
Heart rate monitor
Activity tracker
Smartwatch for iPhone
Smartwatch for Android
GPS smartwatch
Waterproof smartwatch
Music control smartwatch
Smartwatch with cellular connectivity
Smartwatch with voice assistant
Smartwatch with notifications
Smartwatch with apps
Smartwatch with fitness features
Smartwatch with sleep tracking
Smartwatch with long battery life
Smartwatch with interchangeable bands
Smartwatch with touch screen display
Smartwatch with fitness coaching.

如果还需要更多关键词,只需要在同一个对话里面,继续输入Give more (如English, Spanish, Japanese等语言) Keywords 即可
不管你是使用付费软件如Helium 10,Merchatwords,Sellzone等,还是使用各种抓取爬虫插件程序,我们首先抓取目标产品的评价:

也可使用如Instant Data Scraper这样的免费插件:

使用如Google Sheets在线文档,点击File-Import-Upload, 选择下载好的文件即可导入这些文件在表格中,

大家可以根据星级来对评价分类,下面开始使用Chat-GPT 来对评价进行分析总结,我个人建议一个对话让它分析一百条左右评价内容,我测试的时候有时候粘贴的评价内容太多,容易崩溃。
Analyze the following list of product reviews.
Create a list summarizing:
Top 10 phrases people used to describe the product 用户描述这个产品用的最多(10个)的短语
Top 10 things people like about the product 用户最喜欢这个产品的部分
Top 10 things people dislike about the product 用户最不喜欢这个产品的部分
Top 10 desired improvements 值得改进的部分
Add any other insights that may be valuable. 根据这些内容生成的其他可能有价值的见解
List of reviews: (后面为你复制粘贴的评价内容)
如截图,List of Reviews为我直接粘贴的关于这款Echo Show 5的部分用户评价:

Top 10 phrases people used to describe the product:
- “WHITE power cord”
- “MISMATCHED appearance”
- “DUMB cord”
- “Echo Show 5 (2nd Gen.)”
- “Preferably, one that won’t void the warranty”
- “common sense”
Top 10 things people like about the product:
- “bedside smart device”
- “savings”
- “certified refurbished”
- “Echo Show 5 truly is like brand spanking new”
- “Easier and more intuitive”
- “more affordable”
- “useful for more stuff”
- “Great buy”
- “Visual of the time”
- “see a recipe or even watch a video”
Top 10 things people dislike about the product:
- “plain cardboard product packaging”
- “WHITE power cord sticks out like a SORE THUMB”
- “MISMATCHED appearance of the cord”
- “LIMITS where I can place my Echo Show 5”
- “perpetually being advertised to”
- “difficult for this device to pick up my voice”
- “have to repeat 2-3 times”
- “purchased a refurbished one”
- “screen is black”
- “amounts of copious ads”
Top 10 desired improvements:
- “charcoal-colored power cord”
- “common sense”
- “not void the warranty”
- “not constantly trying to sell me something”
- “pick up my voice”
- “not have to repeat 2-3 times”
- “not be advertised to”
- “more capabilities”
- “less ads and upsells”
- “refresh or update”
Other insights:
- Many people prefer the Echo Show 5 over the Google Nest Hub due to ease of use and affordability.
- Some people have issues with the power cord being white, as it does not match the charcoal color of the device.
- Some people have issues with the device being advertised to.
- Some people have issues with the device not being able to pick up voice commands.
- Some people received a refurbished device, which caused issues with the device not working properly.
通过这种评价分析,可以整理出大量的用户痛点或者关键词,用户使用场景等,比如用户用这款Echo show 5来查看食谱视频,也有吐槽Amazon 通过Echo推广广告,推销产品服务,声音识别问题等
- 由于易用性和价格实惠,许多人更喜欢 Echo Show 5 而不是 Google Nest Hub。
- 有些人认为电源线是白色的,因为它与设备的木炭颜色不匹配。
- 有些人对被宣传的设备有疑问。
- 有些人遇到设备无法接收语音命令的问题。
- 有些人收到了翻新设备,这导致设备无法正常工作。
同理,这个也可以用来分析研究竞品的标题,Bullet Pionts, FAQs等。
Generate 10 pain points to hit when selling mountain biking products
- Lack of comfort while riding: Many riders experience discomfort, including back, neck, and wrist pain, while riding their bikes for long periods of time. This can be especially problematic for those who enjoy extended rides or take part in races.
骑行时缺乏舒适感:许多骑手在长时间骑行时会感到不适,包括背部、颈部和手腕疼痛。 对于喜欢长途骑行或参加比赛的人来说,这尤其成问题。 - Inadequate protection: Mountain biking can be a dangerous sport, and without proper protective gear, riders can be at risk of serious injury.
保护不足:山地自行车运动可能是一项危险的运动,如果没有适当的保护装备,骑手可能会面临严重受伤的风险。 - Poor bike performance: A poorly-performing bike can make for a frustrating and unpleasant riding experience, leading to disappointment and dissatisfaction.
自行车性能不佳:性能不佳的自行车会带来令人沮丧和不愉快的骑行体验,从而导致失望和不满。 - Inability to tackle challenging terrain: For advanced riders, the ability to tackle challenging terrain is a key factor in their enjoyment of the sport. If their bike is not up to the task, they may become frustrated and lose interest.
无法应对具有挑战性的地形:对于高级骑手来说,应对具有挑战性地形的能力是他们享受这项运动的关键因素。 如果他们的自行车不能胜任这项任务,他们可能会感到沮丧并失去兴趣。 - Maintenance and repair costs: Bikes can require a significant amount of maintenance and repair, especially if they are used frequently. The cost of these repairs can add up quickly, making ownership an expensive proposition.
保养和维修费用:自行车可能需要大量的保养和维修,尤其是在经常使用的情况下。 这些维修的成本会迅速增加,使所有权成为一项昂贵的提议。 - Difficulty finding the right fit: Bikes come in many different sizes and styles, and finding the right fit for each individual rider can be a challenge. This can lead to discomfort and frustration, and can also put riders at risk of injury if their bike does not fit properly.
难以找到合适的尺寸:自行车有许多不同的尺寸和款式,为每个骑手找到合适的尺寸可能是一个挑战。 这可能会导致不适和沮丧,如果自行车不合适,还可能使骑手面临受伤的风险。 - Unreliable components: Bike components can be prone to failure, especially with frequent use. This can leave riders stranded on the trail and result in costly repairs.
不可靠的组件:自行车组件容易出现故障,尤其是在频繁使用的情况下。 这可能会使骑手滞留在路上,并导致昂贵的维修费用。 - Lack of versatility: For riders who enjoy multiple forms of cycling, having a bike that is limited to just one type of riding can be a major pain point.
缺乏多功能性:对于喜欢多种骑行方式的骑手来说,拥有一辆仅限于一种骑行方式的自行车可能是一个主要的痛点。 - Limited mobility: Carrying a bike on the go can be a hassle, especially if it is difficult to transport or requires a large vehicle. This can limit riders’ ability to travel and enjoy their bikes in new and exciting places.
行动不便:在旅途中携带自行车可能很麻烦,尤其是在难以运输或需要大型车辆的情况下。 这会限制骑手在新的和令人兴奋的地方旅行和享受自行车的能力。 - Inability to keep up with friends: For riders who enjoy riding with friends, the inability to keep up due to a poorly-performing bike can be a source of frustration and disappointment.
我们还可以让它在这些痛点上进一步展开分析,输入Expand on these pain points

- Safety concerns: Highlighting the importance of proper gear and equipment, such as helmets and gloves, can alleviate customer concerns about their safety while mountain biking.
安全问题:强调合适的装备和设备(例如头盔和手套)的重要性,可以减轻客户对山地自行车安全的担忧。 - Lack of control: Many new mountain bikers struggle with maintaining control on challenging terrain, so emphasizing the importance of proper technique and equipment, such as suspension systems and hydraulic brakes, can help address this pain point.
缺乏控制:许多新的山地车手都难以在具有挑战性的地形上保持控制,因此强调适当的技术和设备(例如悬架系统和液压制动器)的重要性可以帮助解决这个痛点。 - Difficulty in finding suitable trails: A major pain point for mountain bikers is finding trails that are both accessible and challenging. Highlighting the availability of trail maps and resources for finding suitable trails can help address this pain point.
难以找到合适的路径:山地自行车手的一个主要痛点是找到既容易到达又具有挑战性的路径。 强调路线图和资源的可用性以寻找合适的路线可以帮助解决这个痛点。 - Cost of entry: Mountain biking can be an expensive hobby, so emphasizing the value and cost-effectiveness of your products can help alleviate this pain point for customers.
进入成本:山地自行车可能是一项昂贵的爱好,因此强调产品的价值和成本效益有助于缓解客户的这一痛点。 - Maintenance and upkeep: Regular maintenance is necessary to keep mountain bikes in good condition, so highlighting the ease of maintenance and durability of your products can help address this pain point.
维护和保养:定期维护对于保持山地自行车的良好状态是必要的,因此强调产品的易维护性和耐用性有助于解决这一痛点。 - Inability to handle challenging terrain: Some customers may struggle with the more challenging terrain that mountain biking can offer. Emphasizing the versatility and capability of your products can help address this pain point.
无法应对具有挑战性的地形:一些客户可能难以应对山地自行车所能提供的更具挑战性的地形。 强调产品的多功能性和功能可以帮助解决这个痛点。 - Lack of comfort: Long rides can be uncomfortable, so emphasizing the comfort and adjustability of your products, such as saddles and handlebars, can help address this pain point.
缺乏舒适感:长途骑行可能会让人不舒服,因此强调产品(例如车座和车把)的舒适性和可调节性有助于解决这一痛点。 - Storage and transportation: Mountain bikes can be bulky and difficult to transport, so highlighting the ease of storage and transportation of your products can help address this pain point.
存储和运输:山地自行车体积庞大且难以运输,因此强调产品易于存储和运输有助于解决这一痛点。 - Difficulty in keeping up with more experienced riders: Some customers may struggle to keep up with more experienced riders on group rides, so emphasizing the suitability of your products for riders of all skill levels can help address this pain point.
难以跟上更有经验的骑手:一些客户可能难以跟上更有经验的骑手的团体骑行,因此强调您的产品对所有技能水平的骑手的适用性可以帮助解决这个痛点。 - Inconsistent performance: Mountain biking can be impacted by weather and trail conditions, so emphasizing the reliability and consistent performance of your products can help address this pain point.





Comfortable Bike Seat | Lightweight Bike Frame | Rugged Bike Tires | Efficient Bike Suspension |
Comfortable Bike Saddle | Lightweight Mountain Bike | Durable Bike Tires | Bike Suspension Upgrade |
Ergonomic Bike Seat | Lightweight Bike Frame Material | Rugged Mountain Bike Tires | Efficient Bike Shock Absorption |
Bike Seat Cushion | Lightweight Bike Parts | Bike Tires for Rough Terrain | Improved Bike Suspension |
Bike Seat Pad | Light Bike Components | Tough Bike Tires | High Performance Bike Suspension |
Comfy Bike Seat | Light Mountain Bike Frame | Strong Bike Tires | Bike Suspension System Comparison |
“Tackling Terrain: Find the Bike That Will Take on Any Trail”
“Making the Most of Your Mountain Biking Experience: Get the Gear You Need”
“Maximizing Comfort and Control: Find the Right Saddle for Your Ride”
“Braving the Elements: Get the Protection You Need for Your Mountain Bike Adventure”
“Stay Safe on the Trail: Find the Right Helmet for Your Mountain Bike Ride”
“Tire Trouble? Find the Right Tires for Your Mountain Bike”
“Going the Distance: Get the Right Fuel for Your Mountain Bike Adventure”
“Navigating the Trail: Find the Right Map and GPS System for Your Mountain Bike Ride”
“路径导航:为您的山地自行车骑行找到合适的地图和 GPS 系统”
“Staying Ahead of the Pack: Upgrade Your Mountain Bike with the Latest Technology”
“A Better Ride Every Time: Get the Right Maintenance Products for Your Mountain Bike”
“End the Frustration of Flat Tires with Our Durable Tubes”
Are you tired of constantly replacing flat bike tubes? Our durable bike tubes are designed to withstand tough terrain and provide long-lasting protection against punctures. Upgrade your gear today and enjoy a smooth ride every time.
您是否厌倦了不断更换扁平自行车内胎? 我们耐用的自行车内胎设计用于承受崎岖的地形,并提供持久的防刺穿保护。 立即升级您的装备,每次都能享受平稳的旅程。
“Say Goodbye to Back Pain with Our Comfortable Bike Seats”
Are you tired of sitting on an uncomfortable bike seat that causes back pain? Our bike seats are designed with ergonomic padding and a supportive structure to ensure a comfortable ride every time. Say goodbye to back pain and hello to a more enjoyable ride!
您是否厌倦了坐在不舒服的自行车座椅上导致背部疼痛? 我们的自行车座椅设计有符合人体工程学的衬垫和支撑结构,以确保每次都能舒适骑行。 告别背痛,迎接更愉快的旅程!
“Take Your Adventure to the Next Level with Our Lightweight Bikes”
Do you want to push your limits and tackle more challenging terrain? Our lightweight bikes are engineered for performance and are built to handle even the toughest trails. Upgrade your gear and take your adventure to the next level!
您想突破极限并应对更具挑战性的地形吗? 我们的轻型自行车专为性能而设计,甚至可以应对最艰难的路径。 升级你的装备,让你的冒险更上一层楼!
“Protect Your Hands from Blisters and Callouses with Our Bike Gloves”
Do your hands suffer from blisters and callouses after a long ride? Our bike gloves are designed with padding and a breathable material to protect your hands and provide maximum comfort during your ride. Invest in a pair of our gloves today and enjoy a more comfortable ride tomorrow.
长时间骑行后,您的手会起水泡和老茧吗? 我们的自行车手套采用衬垫和透气材料设计,可保护您的双手并在骑行过程中提供最大的舒适度。 今天就购买一副我们的手套,明天享受更舒适的骑行体验。
“Stay Safe and Visible on Your Next Ride with Our Reflective Gear”
Are you concerned about staying visible and safe during your rides? Our reflective gear is designed to increase your visibility and keep you safe while out on the trails. Stay protected and visible with our reflective gear.
您是否担心在骑行过程中保持可见和安全? 我们的反光装备旨在提高您的能见度并确保您在外出时的安全。 使用我们的反光装备保持保护和可见。
“Eliminate the Hassle of Bike Transport with Our Portable Racks”
Are you tired of struggling to transport your bike to the trails? Our portable racks are designed to make bike transport easy and hassle-free. Say goodbye to the struggle and hello to an effortless bike transport experience.
您是否厌倦了费力地将自行车运送到小径? 我们的便携式自行车架旨在让自行车运输变得轻松无忧。 告别艰苦奋斗,迎接轻松的自行车运输体验。
“Maximize Your Performance with Our High-Quality Bike Components”
Do you want to maximize your performance on the trails? Our high-quality bike components are engineered for performance and are built to last. Upgrade your gear today and take your performance to the next level.
您想最大化您在赛道上的表现吗? 我们的高品质自行车部件专为性能而设计,经久耐用。 今天就升级您的装备,让您的表现更上一层楼。
“Experience a Smoother Ride with Our Suspension Systems”
Do you want to experience a smoother ride on rough terrain? Our suspension systems are designed to provide maximum comfort and control during your ride. Experience a smoother ride and tackle more challenging trails with our suspension systems.
您想在崎岖地形上体验更顺畅的骑行体验吗? 我们的悬架系统旨在为您的骑行提供最大的舒适度和控制力。 使用我们的悬架系统体验更平稳的骑行并应对更具挑战性的路径。
“Protect Your Bike from the Elements with Our Waterproof Bike Covers”
Are you tired of storing your bike outside in the elements? Our waterproof bike covers are designed to protect your bike from rain, wind, and other environmental factors. Keep your bike in great condition and invest in a waterproof bike cover today.
您是否厌倦了将自行车存放在外面的元素中? 我们的防水自行车罩旨在保护您的自行车免受雨、风和其他环境因素的影响。 让您的自行车保持良好状态,立即购买防水自行车罩。
“Upgrade Your Gear and Improve Your Skills with Our Bike Accessories”
Are you ready to take your skills to the next level? Our bike accessories are designed to improve your performance and make your ride more enjoyable. Upgrade your gear and improve your skills with our bike accessories today.
您准备好将您的技能提升到一个新的水平了吗? 我们的自行车配件旨在提高您的性能并让您的骑行更加愉快。 立即使用我们的自行车配件升级您的装备并提高您的技能。
“Get Your Bike Ready for Any Trail with Our Top-Quality Components”
Call to Action: “Upgrade Your Bike Today and Conquer Every Mountain”
“Never Worry About a Flat Tire Again with Our Reliable Tubes”
Call to Action: “Get Your Bike Back on the Trail in No Time with Our Tubes”
“Experience the Ultimate Comfort on Your Rides with Our Saddles”
Call to Action: “Say Goodbye to Sore Bums and Hello to Comfortable Rides”
“Elevate Your Performance with Our Lightweight and Durable Frames”
Call to Action: “Step Up Your Game and Get Your Dream Bike Today”
“Say Goodbye to Wobbly Rides with Our Sturdy Handlebars”
Call to Action: “Get a Confidence-Inspiring Ride with Our Handlebars”
“Tame the Roughest Terrain with Our High-Performance Shocks”
Call to Action: “Take Your Riding to the Next Level with Our Shocks”
“Maximize Your Pedaling Efficiency with Our Drivetrains”
Call to Action: “Get the Most Out of Every Pedal Stroke with Our Drivetrains”
“Stay Safe and Visible on the Trail with Our Lights”
Call to Action: “Light Up Your Rides and Stay Safe with Our Lights”
“Protect Your Bike with Our Durable and Lightweight Cases”
Call to Action: “Keep Your Bike Safe and Secure with Our Cases”
“Easily Transport Your Bike with Our Convenient Racks”
Call to Action: “Take Your Bike Anywhere with Our Easy-to-Use Racks”
- “Say Goodbye to Back Pain”
Image: A mountain biker in mid-air with their back straight, demonstrating the proper riding posture to avoid back pain.
Video: A short clip showing the impact of improper riding posture on the back, followed by a demo of how the product solves the problem.
2. “Never Get Stranded Again”
Image: A mountain biker with a flat tire on the trail, looking frustrated and helpless.
Video: A short clip showing the process of changing a tire on the trail, followed by a demo of the product that makes the process faster and easier.
3.”Maximize Your Riding Time”
Image: A mountain biker who is running out of time before sundown, looking at their watch with a worried expression.
Video: A short clip showing a rider who has to cut their ride short because of a dead battery, followed by a demo of the product that keeps the rider’s lights and devices charged for a longer ride.
4.”Stay Safe on the Trail”
Image: A mountain biker in a dangerous, off-trail situation, looking unsure of how to proceed.
Video: A short clip showing the benefits of having a GPS device for navigation on the trail, followed by a demo of the product.
视频:一段短片,展示了使用 GPS 设备在小径上导航的好处,随后是产品演示。
5.”Get More Out of Your Ride”
Image: A mountain biker who is not having fun on the trail, looking bored and uninterested.
Video: A short clip showing the difference in experience between a rider who has access to music and other entertainment, versus a rider who doesn’t, followed by a demo of the product.
6.”Overcome Obstacles Effortlessly”
Image: A mountain biker who is struggling to get up a steep incline, looking exhausted and frustrated.
Video: A short clip showing the difficulty of riding up steep inclines without the proper gear, followed by a demo of the product that makes it easier.
7.”Stay Comfortable on Long Rides”
Image: A mountain biker who is uncomfortable and in pain, looking like they want to stop and get off their bike.
Video: A short clip showing the discomfort of riding for a long time on an ill-fitting bike, followed by a demo of the product that offers a better fit and more comfort.
8.”Enjoy Your Ride in Any Weather”
Image: A mountain biker who is trying to ride in the rain, looking miserable and soaking wet.
Video: A short clip showing the difficulty of riding in wet conditions, followed by a demo of the product that offers protection from the elements.
9.”Easily Transport Your Bike”
Image: A mountain biker who is struggling to fit their bike into their car trunk, looking frustrated and stressed.
Video: A short clip showing the hassle of transporting a bike, followed by a demo of the product that makes it easier and more convenient.
10.”Upgrade Your Riding Experience”
Image: A mountain biker who is riding an old, outdated bike, looking uninterested and uninspired.
Video: A short clip showing the benefits of upgrading to a newer, more advanced bike, followed by a demo of the product.
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